Setting Up a Guestbook (optional)

Setting Up a Guestbook (optional)

What is a Dataset Guestbook, and why use it?

Dataset Guestbooks allow you to collect data about who is downloading the files from your datasets. You can decide to manage account information (username, given name & last name, affiliation, etc.) and create custom questions (e.g., What do you plan to use this data for?). You can also download the data collected from the enabled guestbooks as a comma-separated values (CSV) file to store and use outside the Dataverse installation.

Guestbooks can help develop relationships between data providers and users. They enable a transparent method for collecting user information since they knowingly provide their personal information before downloading the files.

Guestbooks can only be created by Dataverse collection Owners and Managers.

If you use a dataset guestbook, you will add an additional layer to accessing your files. Users will have to sign the guestbook every time they request a download, individually or in a batch process.

Create Dataset Guestbooks for a Dataverse

  1. If you are the creator of a Dataverse collection in the ASU Library Research Data Repository and would like to create a guestbook used in its datasets, click on the Edit Dataverse button and select Dataset Guestbooks.

    Select Dataset Guestbooks in the Dataverse edit menu
  2. By default, any guestbooks created in a parent Dataverse above your current collection will appear as an option. If you do not want to use or see those guestbooks, uncheck the option Include Guestbooks from the parent Dataverse collection.

    Uncheck “Include Guestbooks from ASU Library Research Data Repository” if you do not want to use the default guestbooks.
  3. Click the Create Dataset Guestbook button to create your custom guestbook.


  4. Fill out the Guestbook options. Fill in Guestbook Name. Select the information you want users to include under Data Collected. You can add Custom Questions to your guestbook and add multiple questions by clicking the "+" button. Questions are optional by default but you can select the Required field button. Answers can be Text or Multiple Choice.

  5. When finished, select the Create Dataset Guestbook button.


  6. To assign a guestbook to a particular dataset, you need to select Enable in the Action column. A guestbook is enabled by default upon creation. Once a guestbook has been enabled, you can go to the Terms edit menu in a dataset and select a guestbook for it.

Add a Guestbook to a Dataset

  1. From the main dashboard or from within a dataverse, select the name of the dataset to edit.

  2. Select the down arrow on the Edit Dataset button. A short menu will display, giving editing options.

  3. Select the Terms link.

  4. Scroll down to the Guestbook section. Select the radio button next to the guestbook you would like to add to this dataset.

  5. Select the Save Changes button.

What can you do with a guestbook?

After creating a guestbook, you will notice there are several options for a guestbook that appear in the list of guestbooks.

  • There are also options to view, copy, edit, or delete a guestbook.

  • Once someone has downloaded a file in a dataset where a guestbook has been assigned, an option to view responses or download collected data will appear in the Dataverse collection record. Go to Edit Dataverse > Dataset Guestbook and choose View Responses or Download All Responses to receive a CSV file of the results.


Dataset Guestbook user view

When a user selects a file or group of files to download for datasets with enabled guestbook they will see a pop-up Dataset Terms window with the list of questions you created. They must complete all required fields and select Accept to continue and download the files.

If a user does not agree with the terms they select Cancel but will not be able to access or download the files.

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