Request a Dataset Submission

Request a Dataset Submission

Dataverse is the system's name with 'Dataverses,' which are the basic building blocks of the repository. A Dataverse, also known as a Dataverse collection, is a container for datasets (research data and other products of research, code, documentation, and metadata) and other dataverses, which can be set up for individual researchers, departments, journals, and organizations. For one-off submissions, datasets reside within the basic/root repository collection. Upon request and approval, you can also request to become a dataverse owner if you wish to publish multiple datasets from single or multiple projects.

A basic explanation of how How the Dataverse software works

Request a Dataset

  1. To request access to create datasets in the ASU Research Data Repository, please visit the site's home page and click the Share Your Work button in the main menu. Complete the form with as much detail about the metadata of your dataset as possible.

  2. Please provide the requested information about your dataset, such as:

    • Dataset author (primary person responsible),

    • Dataset author email (to receive communications about the dataverse),

    • Alternate contact name and alternate contact email,

    • Dataset name (the name of your research project or organization),

    • Brief description (ie: briefly explain the purpose, history, research details, etc).

    • The main subject of the dataverse (see list below).

      • Agricultural Sciences

      • Arts and Humanities

      • Astronomy and Astrophysics

      • Business and Management

      • Chemistry

      • Computer and Information Science

      • Earth and Environmental Sciences

      • Engineering

      • Law

      • Mathematical Sciences

      • Medicine, Health, and Life Sciences

      • Physics

      • Social Sciences

      • Other

    • In the description field, please also describe your estimated storage needs for your dataset(s). Please include information about the file sizes, types of files, and number of files.

    • Please provide grant information, including the granting agency name and grant number.

    • List any related publications, including the citation and URL. Following is an example citation format:

      example citation:
      Last Name, First Name., Last Name, A., First Name,. (YYYY). Title. Journal Title, Volume (Issues number), pages. https://doi.org/10….

    • List up to 3 keywords to describe your datasets. Library staff may edit the keywords to meet standards.

    • Indicate whether this is replication data for a dataset. The name of the dataset will be preceded by the words “Replication data for:”. Replication datasets involve submitting data so other researchers can reuse and verify that your study can be replicated. More information on replication datasets and Dataverse.

    • Indicate if you have a publication deadline that requires a URL or DOI pointing to your data. Note: We cannot guarantee the dataset will be published and publicly available by a specific date.

    • Please provide any additional questions or information regarding your dataset creation.

  3. Click Submit Your Request. A member of the ASU Library Researcher Support team will contact you when the dataset is created.

Modifications to the dataverse metadata fields can be made after the dataset is created.

Your answers to these questions will help us to configure your dataset correctly. We will send more instructions for access and upload after the dataset is created.


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