Service Scope Statement

Service Scope Statement

The ASU Library Research Data Repository (powered by Harvard’s Dataverse software) allows Arizona State University (ASU) affiliated researchers to share, store, preserve, cite, explore, and make research data accessible and discoverable. Submission of datasets is limited to ASU-affiliated projects and people. The use of datasets and material published in the repository is open to anyone except where otherwise noted due to legal or ethical restrictions. 

The ASU Research Data Repository serves as a place to share and publish research datasets and a place to find and use them. We provide a systematic path towards preserving research datasets and supplemental materials beyond routine backups currently offered by cloud and on-premise solutions. Research datasets can be directly downloaded, referenced through metadata, or analyzed via 3rd party applications. You can persistently cite datasets from the repository using their registered DOIs (digital object identifier). Active projects in the collection, creation, and analysis phase will utilize other systems to acquire and process data, such as electronic notebook systems, cloud storage solutions, and other tools supported by the university.

Scope of Service:

  • The Research Data Repository is a service for ASU affiliated researchers;

  • Accepts researcher supplied data sets, both qualitative and quantitative;

  • Provides APIs to work with Dropbox storage, OSF, LabArchives, and other platforms for seamless research lifecycle management;

  • Link your research datasets and supplementary materials to your articles and institutional repository submissions;

  • Supports storage and business continuity preservation to meet funding agency and institutional retention policy requirements;

  • Guided by principles: Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics (CARE) for Indigenous Data Governance[1] and data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR)[2];

  • Default Open Access where applicable

  • The ASU Library works with ASU Research Computing to migrate curated datasets to long-term storage and preservation as you complete your projects.

[1] CARE Principles of Indigenous Data Governance CARE Principles — Global Indigenous Data Alliance

[2] FAIR Principles FAIR Principles - GO FAIR

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